Comfort Food

Dad was a Navy pilot and Mom is a travel agent, so our family tried dishes from around the world.
Hence, my experimental palate.

There were only three foods on my list of things I swore I'd never eat... and I've eaten two of them.
(Click here if you want to know what they are, but I'm giving you
Fair Warning... they're gross!)

I love to cook.  (I hate to clean-up afterwards, because I tend to use every dish in the house.)  But I really love to cook!  The cuisine in Chez Bedlam isn't haute, it's hearty.  Portions vary but most are geared towards large families and group get-togethers.

Main Dishes Veggies Drinks
Hors D'oeuvres / Seasonal Silly Deserts


Breads and Rolls


If you have a favorite recipe that you'd like to share, please e-mail me.  I test every recipe to make sure it passes my high standards for comfort food.  If your recipe fits the bill,  I'll post it here.

Blithely...  is the creation of
Brenda Sinclair Sutton

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Photo courtesy of Brian Sharples|